英国VETEMENTS女神节丨∞ Ms.(无限的她)演绎经典单品

英国VETEMENTS女神节丨∞ Ms.(无限的她)演绎经典单品

UK VETEMENTS Goddess Day丨∞ Ms. (Infinite She) An Interpretation of Classic Items

∞是超越当下的有限性。TO INFINITY AND BEYOND(无穷及超越)每一个“她”都有无限种可能,就像伍尔夫的长篇小说《海浪》中写的那样:

∞ means infinity beyond the present. TO INFINITY AND BEYOND (infinity and beyond) each “she” has infinite possibilities, just like what Woolf wrote in her novel The Wave:

I feel a thousand capacities spring up in me.

I am arch, gay, languid, melancholy by turns.

I am rooted, but I flow.





“She” lives in a world full of labels and power prejudices, yet “she” holds an infinity of freedom and possibility.

VETEMENTS推出经典重塑的多款单品,为诠释每一个∞ Ms.无限的她。

VETEMENTS has launched a variety of classic remodeled items to better present each and every ∞ Ms. infinite she.


This suit jacket features “wrinkled” yet lustrous fabric texture, which gives off a strong texturized sense of expression, presenting the CHIC feminine power.

满底提花针织开衫满足VT GRACE Ms.对优雅温柔的全部想象,作为往季热销延续款,特在∞ Ms.(无限的她)系列中推出。

This all-over jacquard knitted cardigan is designed to meet all VT GRACE Ms.’s imagination of elegance and tenderness. As an extended item of the previous season’s best-selling outfits, it is specially launched in the ∞ Ms. (Infinite She) collection.

知性风盛行下,代表VT REASON Ms.的精选单品是这件棉质缎面衬衫,触感柔和又不影响面料挺括,侧边可收腰设计帮助女士打造多样型格。

With the prevailing intellectual style, this selected item representing VT REASON Ms. is a cotton satin shirt, which is soft to the touch without affecting the overall styling of the fabric. The side waist design can come in handy when it comes to creating a variety of styles and outfits.

运动是生命的主旋律之一,英国vetements 将运动风融入Polo衫,流动的颜色带来洋溢的活力,双色提花面料和俐落廓形加持,跃动颜色时刻冲击VT SPORT Ms.的美学感官。

Sports is one of the main themes of life. UK VETEMENTS incorporates sports style into Polo shirts, using flowing colors to bring brimming vitality. Two-color jacquard fabrics and neat silhouettes only add more style and favor to it. The dynamic colors are ready to make an impact out of the aesthetics of VT SPORT Ms..

利用做皱面料实现VT HIP-HOP Ms.对张扬个性的需求,通过跨品类设计手法制成这件特殊的短袖衬衫,旨在意趣嘻哈街头创意想象。HIP-HOP的自由随意性和个性化,正如“她”一样,是自由、个性的。追寻不一样的“她”,让自我的表达更加有力。

Using wrinkled fabrics to achieve VT HIP-HOP Ms.’s demand for publicity and individual personality, this special short-sleeved shirt is made through cross-category design techniques, aiming to entertain the imagination of hip-hop street creativity. The freedom and individuality of HIP-HOP, just like “She”, is free as an individual. To pursue an unique “She” is to make self-expression even more powerful.





与自己为伍 撕掉标签

Beauty or Flaws

Every “She” is born to shine

The meaning carried by every garment

exemplifies “Her” attitude to life

Be your own team and rip off all the labels